
Our palette of colours has been carefully considered to be distinctive to ICAEW. They are muted in tone to ensure our red dividers always stand out clearly when overlayed. Refer to our corporate style guide for further documentation of their correct usage.

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Think about how your colour choices can affect legibility and accessibility — read WCAG 2.0 specifications on using colour. To be legible, text and background colours must have a minimum contrast between them.

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Brand Red

Our palette of background colours has been carefully considered to be distinctive to ICAEW. They are muted in tone to ensure our red dividers always stand out clearly when used over them. These colours are used as backgrounds for primary imagery, illustrative typography and graphic illustration. Charts and graphs use these colours. Large illustrative feature typography may appear in these colours if appropriate. They can be used at 80%, 60%,40% and 20% tint.


rgb (227, 5, 19)

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Pastel Colours

Our palette of background colours has been carefully considered to be distinctive to ICAEW. They are muted in tone to ensure our red dividers always stand out clearly when used over them. These colours are used as backgrounds for primary imagery, illustrative typography and graphic illustration. Charts and graphs use these colours. Large illustrative feature typography may appear in these colours if appropriate. They can be used at 80%, 60%,40% and 20% tint.


rgb (169, 196, 127)

rgb (221, 231, 204)


rgb (139, 211, 230)

rgb (209, 237, 245)


rgb (107, 202, 186)

rgb (196, 234, 227)


rgb (178, 136, 185)

rgb (224, 207, 227)


rgb (230, 166, 93)

rgb (245, 219, 190)

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Black and white are used for type, text, graphic illustration and functional elements such as keylines. A 70% of black can be used.

Cool Grey

rgb (204, 204, 204)

rgb (214, 214, 214)

rgb (224, 224, 224)

rgb (235, 235, 235)

rgb (245, 245, 245)

Warm grey

rgb (236, 233, 231)

rgb (245, 244, 243)


rgb (255, 255, 255)

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Text colours

Black and white are used for type, text, graphic illustration and functional elements such as keylines. A 70% of black can be used.


rgb (0, 0, 0)

rgb (77, 77, 77)

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Link colours

A darker, multiplied shades of our brand blue and purple have been adapted to conform with web standards and accessibility for use strictly on hyperlinks only.


rgb (33, 90, 142)

rgb (176, 158, 168)

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Feedback colours

Additional feedback colours are used to highlight to the user a function or interaction away from the general brand palette. The feedback colours can be used at either 100% or 20% opacity.


rgb (130, 191, 88)

rgb (230, 242, 220)


rgb (223, 100, 81)

rgb (249, 224, 220)


rgb (241, 206, 108)

rgb (252, 245, 226)


rgb (98, 158, 218)

rgb (224, 236, 248)